We Love Our NHS Heroes
Medium T-shirt

Large T-shirt

XL T-shirt

We at access covers wanted to do something in support of our heroic NHS staff. But we make manhole covers for a living, it was difficult to see the benefit of supplying them with 3 tonne of block paviors.
So our tech team all got together and came up with a plan to raise money for NHS charities for them to distribute any funds raised to their front line staff.
From concept to receiving the first batch of T shirts took only 3 days and we are now in a position to sell these shirts for £10 each plus £3 P&P with a minimum of £5 of this money going directly to the front line where it is needed most.
After consulting with the NHS it has been decided to setup a central stores for the most requested items in the nurses and doctors wish list. It was humbling to read the most requested items were shower gel, shampoo, hand cream and confectionery.
We intend to setup these central stores trust by trust as we sell more T-shirts, with the aim of getting this project nationwide.
Thank you for supporting us, supporting our NHS heroes.